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Q1. Do I need a referral for early gender or 5D baby scan?


A1. You don’t need a referral for these two types of scans. If you come for diagnostic medical scan, yes, we have to bring along a referral form.



Q2. The referral I have is not with Amazingscan, is that alright to you?


A2. Yes, we welcome all referrals.



Q3. I have make the booking online but the reminder email does’t indicate which location it is.


A3. As long as you book according to correct operating hours on each studio, then you have booked at the right place. We will check again to make sure you did the right booking upon receiving your booking by finding your residential address registered with Paypal. We will call you or email you to confirm the studio you book for if your address doesn’t match to your nearest studio and its operating hours.



Q4.  Is the fee I pay for the scan covered by Medicare?


A4. Gender scan and late pregnancy 5D scan are entertainment scans which do not covered by Medicare. The medical scans you pay for is not covered by Medicare. In general, we charge most of the scan at very reasonable price which most of the scans are only $150 to $180.



Q5. Your fee is much below market rate, I am concerned about the quality.


A5  It is due to our low expenses thus we are able to quote such a competitive price. We operate from home in the west yet with total privacy for all customers. And the business is registered with Medicare and approved by local council, as well as other studios in Melbourne. We heavily invested on the latest ultrasound machine to provide best image quality as possible to everyone. The sonographer is the owner of the business. We quoted best possible price while delivering best possible service.



Q6. How soon is my report will be sent to my referring GP?


A6. Usually it will reach your GP by two working days.



Q7. Do you send the report to VSGS or Australian Clinical lab?


A7 Yes we do.



Q8. Is your service similar to other medical imaging clinics?


A8 Yes we are. We are registered with Medicare with accreditation. We have registered sonographer to perform the scan.



Q9. What is 3D, 4D and 5D baby scan


A9. 3D is an image, 4D is a video. 3D and 4D is traditional technology and it is not as advanced as 5D. 5D is a trademark by Samsung, in fact the technology is called CRV, Crystal Clear Vue, which provide much clearer images, highest resolution and life-like outlook.



Q10. Why the images quality of my scans elsewhere are not as good as the pictures you posted on Facebook.


A10. There are four factors decide the high quality outcome for 5D ultrasound

       1. Machine Technology

       2. Skill of operator

       3. Position of Baby

      4. Amount of amiontic fluid


We possesses the first two factors and we have technique to turn the baby to best possible position. However, the amount of amniotic fluid is uncontrollable by us and it’s a last factor contributing to a not so satisfactory result sometimes.



Q11. There are so many early gender and 3D/4D ultrasound clinics around us, which one should I choose?


A11. At Amazing Scan, we have invested the latest technology to perform 5D scan which has highest clarity, depths, and life- like appearance. 



Q12. Who will perform the scan?


A12. Our qualified Sonographers with extensive experience will perform the early gender scan and 3D/4D/5D baby ultrasound scan.



Q13. Your place is too far for me to go though you have high reviews and your pictures seem impressive.


A13. We have 4 studios at the moment and more to come. 5D baby images are obtained only once in a life time for your baby . It is worthwhile  to travel to Amazingscan to obtain best images and we will spend substantial amount of time to produce best pictures for you.



Q14. Is it too early to have gender scan from 13 weeks?


A14.  From the research done on more then 1000 of pregnancy scans, it's almost 100% accuracy to find out gender from 13 weeks. At amazing scan, if the gender is indetermine, expecting parents will be asked to come back for free rescan a week later. We have high reviews on Facebook about our accuracy.

Please have a read on the link below about cliniccal study on early gender scan,



Q15. Why are some of the 3D pictures taken and shown on their websites are so different than the other?


A5. Different machine can produce different outcome. Latest technology can produce superb images as if the pictures are as similar to it is born. We are the only 3D/4D clinics in Melbourne that is operated by Sonogpraher who has extensive scanning experience. Lots of pictures available on facebook page for to you to look at and compare. You won't regret of coming to us. 



Q16. I think 3D/4D is only fancy thing to waste people money.


A16. Technology is advanced nowadays and the our 5D baby image quality is getting so close to the new born. At amazing scan, we used Foetus Real View techonology (FRV) to produce  premium images. And seeing babies before they are born is truly amazing and an unforgettable moment. 



Q17. Do I need to drink water when I come?


A17. Yes, 600ml one hour before the apointment. It  helps to prepare better windows to see the gender and baby's face. But it is not compulsory. Having A fizzy drink or chocolate bar before appointment will help to make baby more active to obtain better images.  



Q18. How much time is supposed to spent on gender scan and 3D/4D baby ultrasound scan?


A18. Time allocation for each package is listed at ‘ packages’ column. Different packages offer different time spent. But we endeavor to provide best and clearest 5D images and accurate early gender scan. If 5D outcome is non satisfactory, free rescan will be scheduled.



Q19. Why are you so confident to find out gender this early whereas we heard at many occasion it is not accurate?


A19. It is because we have extensive gender scanning experiences. For example, protruding part does not  always mean a boy, it can be a swollen clitoris. And​ three bright lines does not always mean it is a girl as it can be seen at boy at times at early genitalia development. Only through the vast experience, the sonographer can determine  accurately which one is which, same to nub theory. A flat line can be seen on boy and sticking out can be a girl with swollen clitoris.



Q20. I have never heard of 5D scan in my life. What is that?


A20.  This is patented technology used by Samsung Ultrasound which is equivalent to HD live by GE. But we would claim 5D has better technology compared to HD live. 5D ultrasound has been very popular in women ultrasound in many countries lately. 


Q21.  Do you have female sonographer?


A21.  No, we have only male sonographer. If due to religious reason, we are happy to have full cover on the tummy with towel with least exposure as possible and no internal scan will be performed. 

3D Gallery
Make an Appointment

Studio 1 (Western Region)

306 Station Rd, St Albans  VIC 3023


Opening Hours 

Saturday                                           12:00pm-2:00pm  









Studio 2 (South Eastern Region)

59 Jubilee Street

Mount Waverly



Opening Hours

Monday and Wednesday 1100am-700pm

Tuesday and Thursday      400pm-700pm

Saturday                                900am-1100am





Studio 3 (Nothern Region 1)

2/16 The Link 

Mill Park




Opening Hours

Every Friday           4:00pm-7:00pm





Studio 4 (Inner South Eastern Suburb)

3 Manuka Road




Opening Hours

Every Saturday           3:00pm- 7:00pm







Studio 5 (Geelong)

3/228-236 Pakington street

Geelong West Vic 3218


Opening Hours

Every 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday           500pm- 700pm






Studio 6 (Northern Region 2)** On Hold

186 Craigieburn Road

Craigieburn Vic 3064


Opening Hours

Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday     500pm- 700pm




Please use our user-friendly online booking system to book your best possible date, time and nearest location.

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